Absence- The muse loses the artist. The story of a peculiar loss, the fear of losing the guide of life, of not knowing how to manage the feeling of one's own existence, a path that leads to learning to live with the emptiness, which will always accompany you.- International version.
CATALÀ- La musa perd l'artista. La història d'una pèrdua peculiar, la por de perdre la guia de la vida, de no saber gestionar el sentiment de la pròpia existència, un camí que porta a aprendre a viure amb el buit, que sempre t'acompanyarà.
The muse loses the artist. The story of a peculiar loss, the fear of losing the guide of life, of not knowing how to manage the feeling of one's own existence, a path that leads to learning to live with the emptiness, which will always accompany you.
CATALÀ- La musa perd l'artista. La història d...