La recerca del jo
Looking for himself- Following the artist Pep Aymerich for five years, developing different artistic proposals related to honey bees, using natural materials from his activity: honey and wax. Pep Aymerich's work is honest and conscious: all his proposals have a plastic strength that leaves no one indifferent. This project accompanies Pep to enjoy his peculiar way of facing challenges.- VOSEnglish
CATALÀ- Seguiment durant cinc anys de l'artista Pep Aymerich, desenvolupant diferents propostes artístiques relacionades amb les abelles de la mel, utilitzant materials naturals provinents de la seva activitat: la mel i la cera. El treball d'en pep Aymerich és honest i conscient: totes les seves propostes tenen una força plàstica que no deixa indiferent a ningú. Aquest projecte acompanya en Pep per gaudir de la seva peculiar manera d'afrontar els reptes.
La recerca del jo
Looking for himself- Following the artist Pep Aymerich for five years, developing different artistic proposals related to honey bees, using natural materials from his activity: honey and wax. Pep Aymerich's work is honest and conscious: all his proposals have a plastic strength that leaves no on...
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